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Number of publications: 2025

Readers on-line: 129

Total number of users since Mar 1, 2010: 12110142


Below you will find statistics of this digital library. These statistics are gathered since Mar 1, 2010

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Ranking by total number of publications
stat chart

Number in brackets is a number of all publications which metadata description contains given attribute value.

  1. czasopismo [1325]
  2. książka [333]
  3. stary druk [131]
  4. rękopis [76]
  5. maszynopis [50]
  6. broszura [29]
  7. Dokument elektroniczny [21]
  8. fotografie [19]
  9. dokumenty życia społecznego [8]
  10. druk ulotny [7]
  11. pocztówki [3]
  12. nuty [2]
  13. wykład [1]
  14. rysunek [1]
  15. praca doktorska [1]
  16. notatka [1]
  17. mapa [1]
  18. grafika [1]
Ranking by number of viewed publications
stat chart2

Number in brackets is a sum of all reads of publications which metadata description contains given attribute value.

  1. czasopismo [145347]
  2. książka [99004]
  3. fotografie [36034]
  4. pocztówki [24400]
  5. stary druk [23700]
  6. maszynopis [19689]
  7. Dokument elektroniczny [14442]
  8. rękopis [10285]
  9. broszura [8584]
  10. dokumenty życia społecznego [1769]
  11. wykład [542]
  12. druk ulotny [522]
  13. nuty [454]
  14. rysunek [272]
  15. notatka [200]
  16. grafika [62]
  17. mapa [57]
  18. praca doktorska [19]

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