- Le Comte Andre Zamoyski et le Marquis Wielopolski : deux portraits de la Pologne contemporaine
Object's details: Le Comte Andre Zamoyski et le Marquis Wielopolski : deux portraits de la Pologne contemporaine
- Title:
- Creator:
- Subject and Keywords: ; ;
- Publisher:
- Place of publication: ;
- Date:
- Resource Type:
- Format:
- Resource Identifier: oai:dlibra.biblioteka.tarnow.pl:1668
- Source: ;
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- Rights Management:
- Contact: http://www.biblioteka.tarnow.pl/kontakt
- Access rights:
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See also
O medalu na cześć Jędrzeja hr. Zamojskiego (z ryciną)
Creator:Mękicki, Rudolf (1887-1942)